Why are the portholes on ships round?


Portholes on ships are round for several reasons, some practical and some historical. The shape of a porthole depends largely on its purpose and the conditions it must withstand.

Historically, portholes were originally used on sailing ships to provide ventilation and lighting below deck. They were often made of wood, which was easier to work into a round shape. Over time, as ships became more advanced and were made of metal, the circular shape of portholes was retained for their strength and visibility.

One of the reasons for the round shape is that it is structurally more reliable than the square or rectangular shape. The circle is the strongest geometric shape, so it is better able to withstand the stresses and pressures of water and weather.

Another reason is that a round shape provides a wider field of view than a square or rectangular shape. This is especially important on ships, where the crew must be able to see as much of their surroundings as possible for navigation and safety.

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