First of all, it is worth understanding the difference between a radioactive element and radioactive radiation. A radioactive element is a chemical element that is capable of decaying into...
To begin with, not all pans burn. Teflon-coated or non-stick pans do not have this problem. Cast iron pans do not burn, either, provided they are made properly. But for stainless steel pans, food...
To understand this, first we must remember why leaves are green. The simple answer is because they contain chlorophyll, the pigment (from the Latin pigmentum - paint), which is green in color. But let's dig deeper. Why...
Monosodium glutamate is a chemical. And like any chemical, it is harmful to the body. Does it? Let's find out. Sodium salts What is sodium glutamate? It is a glutamic acid...
Persimmon, especially its unripe fruit, contains substances called tannins. Tannins tend to bind proteins and other organic compounds, which leads to dry mouth and a feeling of tightness. Tannins...
Bread gets moldy, meat rots, eggs turn green. All because we're not the only ones who want to eat our food. Bacteria think it tastes good, too. They live in the food and multiply vigorously. And they...
Protein is one of the most important components of our body. They perform an enormous number of functions. They are probably the main molecules in our body, and they are the basis of life.
When choosing between chemical pills and sets of herbs, most people choose herbs. Because they think they are more environmentally friendly, and therefore safer. Let's see if this is really the case.

