Why do garbage cans always smell the same, no matter what’s in them?


When organic matter, such as food waste, is thrown into the trash, it begins to decompose. Microorganisms eat the food waste, and the end result of their metabolism is the release of gases – Methane and Hydrogen Sulfide. They are the cause of the unpleasant odor.

The Trash can itself can also contribute to the odor. Over time, Bacteria and other Microorganisms can multiply on the surface of the tank and produce their own odor, unique to that particular tank. In addition, if the trash can is not cleaned regularly, dirt, soot and food particles can accumulate in the trash can, all of which can contribute to the odor.

Even if different types of waste are placed in the trash can, they will still decompose in the same way, producing similar gases and odors. Regardless of the garbage, the smell will be about the same.

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