Why do snowballs sometimes not stick?


When Snow falls, it feels warmer in our souls – apparently, it has something to do with its good insulating properties. It feels like a holiday atmosphere, even if New Year’s Eve is long behind us. And then you happily run out into the street to make a Snowman, or at least Snowballs, to throw them at passersby. But suddenly something happens that you secretly feared – the Snowball does not stick. You notice that everything around you is not so white, but rather gray. The colors are leaving this world. And you sadly go sledding, chewing on an icicle.

So why don’t Snowballs sometimes get molded?

The most obvious answer would be, because it’s Summer and there’s no snow. But enough jokes, this is serious business.

A certain temperature is necessary for the Snow to easily roll into Snowballs. If the Snow is too dry and cold, it may be too light and crumbly if you try to turn it into Snowballs.

The other extreme is if the Snow is too wet and heavy. Then it will be too sticky, and will stick to the mittens rather than to each other. This can be caused by high humidity or high temperatures.

But too sticky Snow can still be worked with. Snowball will be difficult to make, but possible. What can’t be said about the variant when the Snow just crumbles in your hands. There’s nothing you can do about it? Not at all. Understanding the physical mechanisms at a more fundamental level can help solve the problem–that’s the power of science. We know that snow doesn’t stick because there is no moisture. Consequently, we need to add moisture. For example, by rubbing it between our hands. Or by taking a bottle of water with you.

It’s also a physics experiment, so you’ll get to know the world around you better and learn not to get discouraged even in difficult situations. It may also help you teach this method to others and make loyal friends – or snowball your enemies, since you are the only one who has the technology to make snowballs.

You can do something with the wet Snow, too – for example, dilute it with dry Snow, which may well be in another part of the yard. Explore the world – it’s full of possibilities.

It is also important to use enough strength to squeeze Snowball. If you improve your physical fitness by the next Winter, it will be even easier for you. And strength can come in handy in other activities as well.

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