Why do people sneeze when they come out of a dark room into bright light?


When you enter a dark room, your Eyes adapt to the low light by dilating your Pupils. This allows more Light to enter your Eyes. However, when you suddenly leave a dark room and enter a bright room, such as outside on a sunny day, the sudden increase in light can be overwhelming to your eyes. This can trigger a reflex called the Sneeze Light Reflex.

The sneeze reflex is not fully understood, but it is thought to be caused by the way the nerves in the eyes are connected to the nose. The nerves controlling the dilation of the pupils are branches of the Trinitarian nerve. The Trinitarian nerve has many branches. In addition to the branches controlling the dilation of the Pupils, there are branches responsible for sensation in the Face, including the Nose. When a bright light hits the eye, the branches in the Pupils send a signal to the Trinocular Nerve, and its irritation can cause a sensation in the nose that provokes sneezing.

The sneeze reflex is actually quite common, with about 18-35% of people experiencing it. It is also known as the “ACHOO” reflex, which stands for Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst Syndrome. This name tells us that the reflex is an inherited trait that is passed down in families.

In general, people can sneeze when they step out of a dark room into bright light because a sudden change in light can trigger the Sneeze Light Reflex, which causes a sensation in the nose that leads to sneezing.

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