Why does the glass “squeal” if you run your hand over it?


The high-frequency sound that the glass makes when you run a wet finger along its rim is known as a “squeal. It is the result of a phenomenon called resonance. When you run your finger over the rim, it causes the glass to vibrate, which in turn generates sound waves. The sound waves travel back and forth between the two sides of the glass and create a resonant frequency that amplifies the sound, making it louder and more noticeable.

The height of the sound depends on the size and shape of the glass, the thickness of the glass and the amount of liquid in it. The squealing sound occurs more often in glasses with thin rims and filled with liquid, which enhances the resonance effect.

When you run your finger over the rim of the glass, tiny vibrations are created that move around the glass. These vibrations push and pull the air around the glass, creating sound waves that travel through the air and reach your ears, allowing you to hear the sound.

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