Why do Siamese cats have blue eyes?


In Siamese cats specifically, blue eyes are related to the M-locus gene (mutation of the tyrosinase gene). This mutation affects the production of the pigment melanin, which determines the color of the eyes and skin. In Siamese cats, melanin is only produced in areas of the body that have a lower temperature, such as the ends of the paws, tail, ears, and muzzle. In these areas of the body, melanin is produced in large quantities, which makes them darker.

While in the rest of the body of a cat with an M-locus mutation, melanin is not produced or is produced in very small amounts. Because of this, the eyes of Siamese cats remain without pigment, and we see them as blue. Depending on the body temperature gradient, the eyes can have different shades of blue, from light blue to deep blue.

It is also worth noting that in Siamese cats not only the tyrosinase gene mutation is inherited, but also other genes affecting coat and eye color. For example, the C-locus genes determine the intensity of the coat color, and the A-locus genes influence pigment distribution throughout the body, including the eyes. The combination of different genes can lead to a variety of colors in Siamese cats, but blue eyes are still the most common.

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